Last updated on February 13, 2020
This is the age of overstimulation – of so many concerns vying for our attention that intellectual, emotional and focus burnout is a daily occurrence for many people. When we look at the needs of the world, or even just our individual countries, it’s easy to become overwhelmed: poverty, climate change, war, illness, natural disasters, politics…the list is bottomless.
This blog series is all about responding to the world in ways that are useful and productive. I approach new onslaughts of awful with a three-part response: immediate physical environment, inner world and lastly, relationship to community. This blog post is all about that latter-most category. Our relationship to community is how we actively respond to the onrushing stimuli. It’s about what we try to change in the world, what we try to introduce, what we choose to work on.
To try to help all areas of need at one time is to invite self-destruction.
Go back and read that again.
Then click here to read on: High Winds and Dark Waters ~ Witcheries for Dark Times, part 3 of 3 – Glasse Witch Cottage