Tenders of the Earth Temple is a Wiccan coven based in the beliefs and techniques of Traditional Wicca and the larger Western Magical Tradition of which we are part. We are the Pentacle Coven in the Circle of Capricorn, of the Assembly of the Sacred Wheel (ASW), a 501c3 religious organization dedicated to the Wiccan path and has covens that currently span PA, DE, and MD. Our coven was founded in the Mt. Airy Section of Philadelphia in July 2011 and is the ninth ASW coven
We believe in sharing what we know without pacts of secrecy, obscurity, or separation and often offer open rituals and workshops to the community. Our Upcoming Events are listed elsewhere on this site. We are willing to provide workshops by request and we love to hear about what others are offering. While we are committed to a Wiccan path, we also feel that it is very important to experience and trade information with other Traditions, Churches, Lodges, etc. There is much we can teach each other.