Saturday, April 7 at 9:30 AM – 8 PM
Spring Magick is an annual fundraiser event for The New Alexandrian Library project of the Assembly of the Sacred Wheel. It is a day-long intensive of Workshops and culminates with the ASW’s most beloved ritual Honoring the Stag God, Cernunnos.
Teachers are Elders and Initiates of the Assembly of the Sacred Wheel Tradition:
Helena Domenic, Elder
Robin Fennelly, HPs
Jae Sea, HPs
Diane Aweyynd Evans, HPs
Annie Large, aHPs
Anne Clifford, aHPs
Workshops include:
The Watcher Workshop, Creating An Oracular System, Bindrunes for Healing and Protection, The Temple of Heka, From Hell Hole to haven, The Craft of Honoring Our Beloved Dead and more.
The Ritual:
The Ritual for the Stag God Cernunnos concludes the day’s events as we join in celebration and listen to the words of the God, dance in honor of our connection to the animal kingdom and experience the life and potency of the Natural world.
FEE: $65
Registration begins at 9:30 a.m.
to register
What to Bring:
Note taking supplies
Water and Snack, if needed
Ritual Garb (if you own)
Lunch is on your own. You may bring a bagged lunch to eat outside or enjoy at one of the many restaurants in the area.
The NAL store will be open during this event with unique gifts, books and magickal supplies for sale. All proceeds go to The New Alexandrian Library project.
Pre-registration is required. Stay Tuned for registration information and opening….
For more information about the New Alexandrian Libray:
Visit The Assembly of the Sacred Wheel on Facebook:
Source: ASW Spring Magick and Ritual for the Stag God, Cernnunos